Use case example

  1. Create a folder for the result. We will create a new folder on the desktop called mb_results.

  2. Open the Ananconda prompt and activate your macrobot environment if you are not already there.

conda activate macrobot

  1. Macrobot is a command line program which requires the following arguments:

  • source path (-s) - the path with the images coming from the Macrobot hardware system

  • destination path (-d) - the path to store the results

  • pathogen (-p) - which pathogen to predict (“mildew” or “rust”)

  1. For a test case we will use a test image set which will be automatically downloaded by the start of the software. To tell the software to use the test images, we will enter “test_images” for the source path -s argument

  2. Start the software with the following command (adapt the destination path):

mb -s test_images -d C:\Users\name\Desktop\mb_results\ -p mildew

  1. In your destination folder should appear all results:

  • A csv file with the predicted values per leaf

  • A report html file in folder report which allows and easy control over the pipeline.

  • Images created by the software (white=pathogen, red=leaf detection, black=background)

If you want to use a real world experiments, make sure to provide the following folder structure with five images per plate:

├── experiment1
│ ├── dai
└── plateID1
└── plateID1_backlight.tif
└── plateID1_green.tif
└── plateID1_blue.tif
└── plateID1_red.tif
└── plateID1_uvs.tif
├── experiment2
│ ├── dai
└── plateID2
└── plateID2_backlight.tif
└── plateID2_green.tif
└── plateID2_blue.tif
└── plateID2_red.tif
└── plateID2_uvs.tif

Test image link: